
Contact Us (General Enquiries)

For any general enquires about Fairford and District u3a or this website, please use the button below and someone will get back to you.

The Committee

Committee members are elected at the AGM, in April, and serve for 3 years.

We also welcome members who may not wish to commit to an officer position but are able to assist on an as-needed basis. (e.g. Christmas Party, Newsletter editing and production and more).

Any member of Fairford and District U3A is welcome to come along to one of our monthly committee meetings to see what goes on.

Current members of the committee are listed below and can be contacted by using the appropriate button below. A contact form should appear.

John Lang


John was appointed at the April 2024 AGM

Stephanie North


Stephanie looks after our correspondence, meetings, paperwork etc.

Sue Snell

Membership Secretary

For all your membership questions. Sue is responsible for enrolling new members, sending out welcome packs and keeping track of members.

Christine Blackwell


Christine took over as Treasurer at the 2024 AGM

Sue Martin

Programme Secretary

The Programme Secretary has responsibility for lining up speakers for our monthly meetings. More popular speakers have very busy schedules and have to be booked many weeks in advance. Many of our speakers are booked following recommendations from our members.

Kate Stephenson


Helps John and deputises for him as necessary

Sue Martin

Trip Co-ordinator

Sue organises trips to places of interest including historic houses, gardens, national memorials, vintage railways, museums and days at the seaside. Suggestions always welcome.

Amanda Cully

Group co-ordinator

Amanda is continuing in this role for the time being. Assisting in setting up new Groups where applicable and helping to keep established Groups running

Stephanie North

Hall Manager

Stephanie is our contact with the Palmer Hall

Martin Snell

Beacon Administrator and Committee Member

Peter Hewes

Committee member

Peter has previously been our Secretary but is remaining on the committee

Newsletter editor

Newsletter Editor

Currently this role is being shared between 3 members

Jo Stichbury

Committee Member

Updated 18 July 2023