A small number of members are having problems logging in to the Members Area.
Problems that have been highlighted include:
1. Not registering for membership first! Once you have registered, you need to wait until your membership has been activated. This involves manually comparing your details with those stored for you in the Beacon system. This is to eliminate rogue applications! Thirteen so far!
2. Forgetting your username and/or password. Please store these details in a safe place and remember that both username and password are case sensitive. A replacement password is always available by clicking on Forgotten Password but this is a computer generated one – highly secure but not easy to remember! Please note that three failed attempts at logging in cause you to be locked out for twenty minutes. This is to stop hacking attempts by rogue computers.
3. The webmaster is able to supply your username but not your password as it is stored in an encrypted form which cannot be decrypted – so please keep your password safe.
4. If you are convinced that you have saved both username and password correctly and still cannot login, please email the webmaster with your password and he will check the login and, if necessary, reset the password to the one you have supplied. In addition please let the webmaster know what type of device you are using to login – PC, iPad, iPhone, Android table or phone or Mac desktop or laptop.
5. If you can’t login with a handheld device please try using a PC if you have access to one – this will confirm that your login details are correct. Then let the webmaster known the type of device which fails.
6. If you are using an on screen keyboard and you have capitals in your password, please make sure that you use the Shift key. This has caused problems with iPads. Unfortunately it is not possible, at the moment, to display the password.
The Webmaster
Updated 5th July 2021