Venues: Private and public gardens, members’ homes and gardens, garden centres.
The Fairford U3A Garden Group is a well attended, friendly and informal get together of like minded people. We all appreciate being outside as much as possible and enjoy very much exchanging our experiences in the design and planting of our gardens.
Our monthly get togethers are a mixture of informal visits to some of our member’s gardens, together with outings to more formal and much larger gardens, many of which are now listed in the NGS yellow book, where often the owner will take us round personally after which we are free to roam and this is then followed by a very nice tea in their garden at which time more questions can be asked about the garden and its development.
Visits to members’ gardens will include a wander round the garden to appreciate it together with chats about difficult plants/areas, problem weeds and pests. This may also include a plant swap followed by some tea.
As the balance of nature plays a very important part in the success of our gardens, understanding which plants to choose has become an important aspect of choice, so we are also interested in being more aware of what the bees, moths and butterflies need too – a lot of these plants are lovely to look at and smell beautiful too.
All you need is an interest in the above to enjoy being a member of our group. New ideas along with new members will be very welcome and if there is anything else I can help you with or you would like to attend a meeting please contact me by phone on the number above. Costs involved vary dependent upon the time of the year and our programme, but I can give you some detail on this as required.
Group Calendar
Updated 28 April 2023