Fairford u3a Policies, Risk Assessment and Constitution


Charities in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are required to have policies in place to ensure that they are run effectively and legally. Our policies can be found in the links below.

Accessibility Policy
Complaints Procedure
Data Protection/Privacy Policy
Finance Policy
Principles of u3a Movement and Member Code of Conduct
Safeguarding Policy and Procedure

Risk Assessments

Risk Assessments are associated with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. While this does not apply to u3as as members are not at work, the insurance company expect u3as to take reasonable precautions through risk assessment checklists, and they use these as a basis of any claims made. If a member were injured, our insurance provider would ask for the completed risk assessment to be able to prove how the risk was identified. All groups should complete risk assessments to protect themselves.

For most activities, a checklist is sufficient. The more hazardous the activity, the more comprehensive the risk assessment checklist should be. The Third AgeTrust has provided model risk assessment checklists on which our own are based. You can find a copy of their Risk Assessment FAQs if you click this FAQ

Cycling Risk assessment checklist
Day trip risk assessment checklist
Home-based risk assessment checklist
Outdoor sporting risk assessment checklist
Venue-based risk assessment checklist
Walk leader risk assessment checklist


The existing constitution of Fairford and District U3A was originally set out in 1994, amended at the Annual General Meetings in 1998, 2008, 2017 and 2018. The current constitution is based on the Third Age Trust “U3A Model Constitution”, a review of other U3A constitutions and information from the Charity Commission. A copy of the current constitution can be found by clicking here