There will be a Christmas Lunch at the Fairford Community Centre, Farmor Room on Saturday 9 December 2023 at 1.00pm for 1.30pm
The menu is printed at the back of the latest Newsletter – just download this application, fill it in and return it to Marilyn Gibbon or any committee member.
All applications must be with Marilyn by Monday, 20th November.
The price has increased this year slightly due to the general increase in prices and the caterer’s costs. £32 is still very good value for money.
There will be welcome drinks on arrival, although we ask you to bring your own beverage of choice to drink with the meal. There is no formal seating arrangement so choose your place and sit with your friends.
If you have any special dietary requirements (ie gluten free) please let us know; our caterer will be happy to provide you with an alternative should it be necessary.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Marilyn Gibbon, 01285 713928 or
Updated 15 October 2023